Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day One


My real name isn't Will.

Sometimes I wish it was though.

I don't know what exactly I intend to write about in the is blog. I just know that I can't seem to find anyone else out there who writes about things I feel like I need to read about.

All I know is that I'm lost. I'm lost and I wouldn't mind finding my way home, back to me.

I want more. I just don't really know what more is.

I have so much to say, but I have no one to say it to.

And I feel quite damaged as of today. Emotionally speaking.

So, this is me trying to make sense of my life...of the world around me.

Feel free to be a part of the ride. As long as you're respectful to me and anyone else who may leave comments, I'll be happy to hear your thoughts or make your acquaintance.


1 comment:

  1. hi, i love your blog and will like you to keep it up.
    here is mine.
    hope to get a comment from you
